And so as I sit here comfortably at the computer this Wednesday afternoon (I presume). I recall that it has been a short while since I last wrote here (in any form or style). So while I digress let me confess, that my life has been rather hectic of late (no need there to debate - and for some perhaps this is their fate). But why waste the moment, with rhymes, when I could much rather recall the good times that I had on my 24th birthday.
My day, my birthday, my very special day, how ever one cares to call it, for me this much I shall say. It was in its own way a very extra-ordinary day!
It began with me dreaming, oh so dreaming, that the world had lost all of its meaning (in reality). For I was in bed (this much I have said) and for some (perhaps), looked as still as though I were dead. But pity this, I was not! And so I ought to say, that it was beginning to be a very pleasant day! I awoke somewhat late, which for me, felt just great! I had not enjoyed such pleasures for some time, and because it felt rather fine, I thought I might just dine in such a fashion, that one need not ration. For it was a special day, and come what may, with or without some delay, I would have a feast, this much I had planned at least!
And so I made up my list of things, for which I did like most, and before I had time to toast, I was off to the store, to get this and that and perhaps a little more. It was quite nice, the day was slightly cool, and I had no work or school, or other things in which to fool, so I could relax and take my time. As I made my way around the place, I moved with steps that had there own style and grace. From one stand to the next, a little fruit a little bacon, I couldn't be mistaken for one who was not having a little fun.
But before I got too carried away, I had to run off and pay, so I could begin making this feast

without delay! And so I rushed home, and started preparing a meal most daring, you should have seen what I was wearing! And lovely music too, a little jazz so smooth, my thoughts it did soothe. I made a rather extravagant omelet with half a dozen eggs, mixed with Indian spices, and bacon, and butter, and sausage too, why it seemed there was nothing I couldn't do! And there was coffee superb, none other than Starbucks (anything else would be absurd!), and orange juice too, this is but a summary of what I can tell you.
And in good time, it was all complete, and my roommie and I could at last eat! And I must say, it all tasted so sweet, but there was one extraordinary thing, which was better than it all: my phone began to ring! And whom should it be, that would call me, but my own dear Evie (My sister, in the War of whom I've spoken before). She was calling from "Over There" to wish me well, and to share a few things (some personal) of which, I will not here tell! And this was but the beginning of the day!
After the meal was through, and my roommie's and my stomaches grew, we sat awhile (for how long, none of us knew). And then it was time for me to DART off and take the train (a point on which I couldn't complain), because I was going to see my family too, for a special barbecue! And there were a fare number who came, but too many here to name, who were there for the party! We had burgers and hot dogs (a favorite of Devil Dogs) and pies to glamorize the meal. For me it was really a grand deal, sharing this meal with loved ones so dear (the thought nearly brings to me a tear)! And aside from this, there were a few gifts as well, but this I will not take the time to tell!

And later that night, once again I took flight, with my roommie too, and other friends of whom I did invite, for a drink or two, at a favorite venue: The Gingerman (this too was a part of my plan)! And so ended that day, which all in all was a special birthday, for which I am thankful to have shared with those who were there!
Ever enjoying the ordinary and extraordinary aspects of life,