About a month back or so, our friend and former "guest/roommate" Igor, returned to Texas after spending the summer back home in Ukraine! It was a special time catching up, and seeing his pictures from his time over there! And, so with no further delay, at last, I present to you in 1,000 words or more Igor:

Okay, so that's the abriged version, but I trust that will suffice for now!
On to other things. This past weekend, marked the end of another year for me in my life and also transitioned into another. 23!
It was a hectic week with school and work, but the highlight for me was looking forward to having Friday off to celebrate my birthday with family and friends! It had been a tiring week (yes, I am intentionly being redundant for emphasis sake!)! When I got home Friday morning from school, I had a brief lunch, and then took a nap! Of course I had it all planned out: I was going down for a good two hours or so, with the plan of awaking with an hour of extra time for traveling and other random stuff!
It was to my great surprise, when I got a call from my uncle, asking what time I was planning on coming. I replied: "around 5:30." "Well, it's about quarter after 6 now!" Needless to say, I was quite shocked and embarrassed! Much of my Texas family were unable to come and those who could had a limited window of time! So, by the time I arrived there with my roomate, it was nearly 7:30! I was glad to see all those who had made it, yet we had to rush to the gifts so that everyone could leave! (Ah, the delight!)
This year proved to be a special birthday for me, in addition to all the other fun thus far, as many of you may recall the joy of getting my guitar stolen on the way to Knoxville (refer to earlier blog entry!) Well, my dear roommate, had put together a last minute plan: he sent out a massive email to some of my family and friends to see who was interested in going in a getting a guitar for me. And well, the rest is history! But, I must say a very GREAT THANK YOU, to all that played a part in this effort! It certainly made for a very special and memorable birthday, for which I a most greatful to all of you: both those who made it and were unable to attend!

Following the belated party/dinner, my roommate and I headed off to Gingerman (a splended Bar out here - a true beer snob favorite!) to celebrate with some friends!

All to often inadequate yet, more appreciative for the lack therein,