Climbing the Heights

Thursday, December 13, 2007

A glorious recap

it's been some time since I last updated this blog! I admit some of it has been due to this being a busy time of year, and some of it too relates to having some computer troubles at home. I've tried for the past few weeks to find a way to upload some photos that I took over the past few weeks that I can bring my audience up to speed on my wearabouts, so, I suppose this quick pictural recap will have to do.

I suppose the first event to mention was the Marine Corps Ball. It was a crazy time for me as, financially I wasn't quite where I wanted to be, and I had a lot to spend with the coming weekend, getting my Blues all altered, getting a driver for the ball, a date, etc. In the end it was a good time! I took my co-worker Marissa from Starbucks! It was a first time for her to attend anything like this, so it was fun to have spend the nights festivities with her! What follows are a few photos from that event, and a few more can be found on flickr.

Following the Marine Corps ball, I suppose the next event was my sister Christi's visit. Christi had a business trip in New Orleans around mid November right before Thanksgiving. So, we had the chance to spend about a day and a half together. Again, here's a shot to wet your appetite, but if you want more you can find them too at flickr.

After Christi's visit, I suppose the next event was Thanksgiving with the family here in Richardson, TX. This year we did something a little different. We did a progressive Thanksgiving where we started out having appetizers at my cousins Beth and David's house. Then, we moved up the street to my uncle Bob and auntie Jeannette's house for the main meal. And, we ended the night out at my other cousins Joanna and Jeff's house for dessert. It was actually quite a lovely time. And to continue the trend, you can find more of the festivities on flickr.
And I suppose that about sums things up a bit for what I've been up to the past few weeks and months. For even more details, check out my peformance pics at the dancing devil dog blog.
Often suspended in the seasons of life,

Friday, November 02, 2007

Notes on Drilling

So, it's been a little while since I was last on here! It's been a hectic couple of weeks with work and school, and of course the Marine Corps! As I draw towards the end of this year, I'm often amazed of all the things that have transpired over this season in my life (more on that later).
This past October Drill, was fairly uneventful, nothing truly profound to share I suppose. Although, I must admit I did enjoy some time to pause and reflect a little on things while being away from Dallas! I often find that very refreshing! Even, though I'm only about an hour away or so, that physical and emotional distance helps to give me a bit of a break from this part of my life!
One of the things I enjoyed while most recently up at base, was a nice evening walk out be Lake Worth (a man made lake on base). It was really pretty as the sun was setting, there was a nice mild fall breeze blowing and it was quiet! Ah, what peace is found in the silence of an evening walk!
And later on that weekend, I also was able to help out in an air show that was out at Alliance Airport around the Fort Worth area. The Blue Angels where there (a little nostalgic for me remembering seeing them and helping out with an air show when I was out in Pensacola).
It was kind of fun getting a chance to help sell some squadron T-shirts and patches, etc while there at the air show. And for me personally, it was kind of a big deal, as this was my first opportunity to be in charge of something as the NCOIC (Non-Commisioned Officer In Charge). Though, not a big event, I still was thankful for the opportunity, and hope to see more assignments of greater importance come my way. And as I draw towards another drill weekend, this evening, I will sign off for now!
Striving to enjoying the meaningful in the mundane,


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Regarding 24

And so as I sit here comfortably at the computer this Wednesday afternoon (I presume). I recall that it has been a short while since I last wrote here (in any form or style). So while I digress let me confess, that my life has been rather hectic of late (no need there to debate - and for some perhaps this is their fate). But why waste the moment, with rhymes, when I could much rather recall the good times that I had on my 24th birthday.
My day, my birthday, my very special day, how ever one cares to call it, for me this much I shall say. It was in its own way a very extra-ordinary day!
It began with me dreaming, oh so dreaming, that the world had lost all of its meaning (in reality). For I was in bed (this much I have said) and for some (perhaps), looked as still as though I were dead. But pity this, I was not! And so I ought to say, that it was beginning to be a very pleasant day! I awoke somewhat late, which for me, felt just great! I had not enjoyed such pleasures for some time, and because it felt rather fine, I thought I might just dine in such a fashion, that one need not ration. For it was a special day, and come what may, with or without some delay, I would have a feast, this much I had planned at least!
And so I made up my list of things, for which I did like most, and before I had time to toast, I was off to the store, to get this and that and perhaps a little more. It was quite nice, the day was slightly cool, and I had no work or school, or other things in which to fool, so I could relax and take my time. As I made my way around the place, I moved with steps that had there own style and grace. From one stand to the next, a little fruit a little bacon, I couldn't be mistaken for one who was not having a little fun.
But before I got too carried away, I had to run off and pay, so I could begin making this feast without delay! And so I rushed home, and started preparing a meal most daring, you should have seen what I was wearing! And lovely music too, a little jazz so smooth, my thoughts it did soothe. I made a rather extravagant omelet with half a dozen eggs, mixed with Indian spices, and bacon, and butter, and sausage too, why it seemed there was nothing I couldn't do! And there was coffee superb, none other than Starbucks (anything else would be absurd!), and orange juice too, this is but a summary of what I can tell you.
And in good time, it was all complete, and my roommie and I could at last eat! And I must say, it all tasted so sweet, but there was one extraordinary thing, which was better than it all: my phone began to ring! And whom should it be, that would call me, but my own dear Evie (My sister, in the War of whom I've spoken before). She was calling from "Over There" to wish me well, and to share a few things (some personal) of which, I will not here tell! And this was but the beginning of the day!
After the meal was through, and my roommie's and my stomaches grew, we sat awhile (for how long, none of us knew). And then it was time for me to DART off and take the train (a point on which I couldn't complain), because I was going to see my family too, for a special barbecue! And there were a fare number who came, but too many here to name, who were there for the party! We had burgers and hot dogs (a favorite of Devil Dogs) and pies to glamorize the meal. For me it was really a grand deal, sharing this meal with loved ones so dear (the thought nearly brings to me a tear)! And aside from this, there were a few gifts as well, but this I will not take the time to tell!
And later that night, once again I took flight, with my roommie too, and other friends of whom I did invite, for a drink or two, at a favorite venue: The Gingerman (this too was a part of my plan)! And so ended that day, which all in all was a special birthday, for which I am thankful to have shared with those who were there!
Ever enjoying the ordinary and extraordinary aspects of life,

Friday, August 31, 2007

Concerning Corporal's Course

I must admit that this past few days weeks, months, and year has been flying by! It has certainly not been the easiest year for me in many ways, but never the less, I'm still breathing (somehow).
I meant to give my remarks on Corporal's Course back in July some time ago, but I've had so many other things going on of late, that only now have I been able to get to it! Bear with me as some of this account may be a bit scatter-brained.
My AT (Annual Training) began somewhere about the middle of July, not long after my trip to Vegas. I must say that I was a bit frustrated as I packed and planned for the nearly two week period of training. There were various articles of clothing, etc that was on the list, that I was rather certain would not be necessary to bring (we would not need to use them - more of a personal preference, but still required). Despite this, I was a little anxious as well, as I knew that it was going to be a rough couple of weeks!
I did not know how right I was until I arrived; but, it started to sink in. For one thing, even though I knew I would upfront be paying for two weeks of housing, I found out only a few days prior to AT that I would be paying for housing off base! So rather than the mere $11 per night on base I would be paying about $60! So, I was not very happy with that!
And then, as we (my roommate and I) started to settle into our new surroundings, we soon learned that the much desired FREE chow hall food we had hoped for, we would have to spend more time eating elsewhere due to the long hours spent each day (aprox 12+) .
An average day started out at around 0500 with a quick shower (for me) and then off to PT (which was often longer than most sessions as it was more concerned with mission accomplishment, than time spent accomplishing the mission!) Then, we had time to take a quick shower, change over and head into the classroom for several hours of lectures over highly interesting information in a temperature most comfortable to us all (usually the kind that would put one to sleep regardless of a lecture, which often sped up this process).
We also, had a time of practical application in areas such as drill (marching Marines in formation, learning the drill movements, etc) and later sword manual (learning the sword movements in formal formations).
This was our regular routine for most of the time there. And then the day before graduation after we had completed our final written and practical application exams, we had a final phase of training: the Battle Course (aprox 24hrs). This Course consisted of urban warfare (dealing with clearing housing in fire teams), land navigation, squad and fire team movements. Although, this was a long day, it was likely the most fun as we were able to put all of the skills we had learned over the past two weeks to use in this final phase of training!
Following this, after a brief couple (aprox 3hrs or less) hours of sleep, it was time to change into our Charlies (Tan short sleeve blouse with green trousers) for our graduation ceremony. And that, was pretty much the end, aside from a few final loose ends to tie up!
All in all, though it was a tiring time, it was a good time, and I'm thankful for the training that I gained in the course, and I can honestly say that I am a better Corporal and NCO because of it and I feel more confident as a leader of Marines!

Semper Fidelis,

CPL Joshua Lee Foist

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

The Vegas Adventure

And so, as I hear the soft sound of jazz in the background of my Dallas apartment, lost in the melodies of Miles Davis, I am moved to remember the memories of Vegas, those many miles from here and but a few moments past.
Time moves quickly without one wanting it too. Too often I forget what has just past only a moment before, but to be sure I still will recall the time not so long ago when a few of we foistian clan were together.
For the week of Independence, twas a day to look fourward too. I left on a Tuesday flight and found my way to Vegas before it was night. The city was quite a sight with all its decor to be sure. The weather was not quite to my liking, too hot and too dry - it was the type of day one could easily pass by outside, and rather roam around at home.
Much of our time was spent there too, in the house where most of the family resided.
On the day of Independence we made our way to the house of some friends of the bride and groom, they were kind enough to offer room for the guests that had gathered for this fond affair. It was a day not to be forgotten, and although the air was rotten the occasion was most splendid. There was catering, and waitering, wine and cake for all at stake. It was a pleasant break from the busy life so far away.
The night too was young and would remain so until at least one or two, or perhaps even later. After the main event, we all moved on to a piano bar for a second celebration accompanied by musical recreation. The place was not bad, the company we had was quite relaxed as we enjoyed the entertainment of a popular piano pare, whose playing was most rare, that it made outsiders stare.
Once the music had past, we saw our last of that place and promptly moved on to a cocktail adventure before progressing to the dancers club, which gave a certain kind of rub. And once this rhythm was numb, we settled for a final bite before calling it a night.
There where other events of notable worth later on in the week. One of which would be a shame to forget, if I could remember the whole dam adventure. In short, we drove out to see old Hoover's ruins, those notable ones which hold back the river. We learned much of its history and saw deep inside its misery. Twas a fine business to be seen, and some of us were quite keen to know all of its fortunes, while others cared more to picture it through motion and sound.
And, as before stated there were other times spent, but for the sake of my consent I will leave them at that for I should think there will often be times to come on which I can "chew the fat" and tell you all about "that."

Keeping a little rhyme from time to time,


Sunday, August 05, 2007

Police Concert in Dallas (The Recap)

Wow, it's hard to believe it's taken me this time to update this blog! The last few months have been rather busy for me! Look for future updates on more recent events in the coming weeks!

Well, on June 26th, I had the great pleasure of going to see the Police Reunion Tour in Dallas! It was a heck of a night! I took my friend/coworker Laura to the show that night! When we got there, it was pouring down rain! Fortunately, she had a rather large umbrella to shield the both of us from the majority of the rain (Aside from a few opportune puddles of water :) )
So, we got inside to the American Airlines Center, and took in the site of all sorts of retailers selling Police Merchandise. Of course, we indulged a little. Afterward, we made our way to our seats to await the coming show. We heard from one of the vender's, that the Police were late coming in from LA due to the downpour. But, in spite of the delay, it was a fabulous show! We both had a great time!
Often entertained in an auditorium,

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Tracking Dinosaurs

this past week sure was a full one for me! Yet, somehow in the midst of the ciaos, my friend Nick decided to head up a little hike this past Saturday out in Dinosaur Tracks National Park (I do believe it's called). Anyway, even though I was working that morning, I decided to take him up on the offer. And, surprisingly, it turned out to be a fun time to hang out with some of the folks from my church. There were few tracks to be found that day, and sadly that was not really the highlight. But I think it was more fun just hanging out and enjoying the day! I look forward to more such Texas adventures while my tent is pitched here.

Often Adventurous where ere adventure is to be found,


Keep track of the rest of the gang and their adventures!

Monday, May 28, 2007

The Pitch

This past Sunday,
I had the pleasure of hanging out with
a few guys from my men's bible study that meets on Thursdays. So, after
church we rushed over to the Ranger's
Stadium up in Arlington to catch the
ball game!

Sadly, the Rangers lost, but the seats were great: Row 14 behind home plate!

Admiring the ambiance of an arena,

Thursday, May 03, 2007

The Diaries of the Dancing Devil Dog

Donning the Dame's Denim

And so as it would not be too surprising after this temporary hiatus. My time has been spent busily preparing for the end of the semester: my jazz dance performance!
Amidst this preparation, I have had to (in the eleventh hour) search for some suitable dance attire that my performance does require. How often these past few days I have tired, thinking upon what to do with my limited means to find me some dancing jeans!
So the day of this premier show, I had to go out to the store and find something I might adore. (Or in my case possible abhor - but I get ahead of myself)
I looked at all that I could find for men of my kind, but none was to be found not anywhere around. And so, as I started to worry I consulted a lady who could help me in my scurry. I explained my need for something "high speed" (so would quoth my brother) that had a bit of stretch for not all jeans are as they seam.
And so taking my point she took me to another joint not far from where I was standing. Of course there was not a lack in fashion but only form, which for me was the greatest attraction. You see, the solution was female bound as no proper jean among men could be found.
At this I did worry a bit, though I kept myself from throwing a fit. I could handle it, if I had to. And that is just what I had to do. Surprisingly, there was one to be found - the first one I tried (I'll be bound). It had a more feminine line, but nothing too borderline.
So, with my purchase in hand I made my way home casting aside my woe for tonight I would put on a show!

All too often amused,

Check Our More Details on: The Dancing Devil Dog Blog

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A brief comment on "Sessions"

And so... I suppose I should take this brief moment to premier my latest instalment of "Sessions in the Raw," my new podcast series about my songwriting process, which is now available on iTunes under the title "Sessions in the Raw" in the podcasting section!

Eventually, once I become more geeky and experienced in this techie world of the web, I may just be able to include a link that has the podcast featured on this site. But until then, please feel free to check it out! There are now two podcasts on the site!

Often audible,

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Adventures in NC (Something to Bragg about!)

as I slowly and hesitantly crawl out of bed this morning, I reflect on the past couple of days: where it took me, and what I learned from it, etc.
This past weekend I had the pleasure of going out to visit my dear sister, to help her pack before she heads out to the beloved "sandbox!"
The first day was mainly spent arriving and hanging out a little in Wilmington, NC (and a little Indian cooking too! :) )
Then, day two was when the adventure really began!
We were supposed to start the day off around 5AM, but both of us were a little tired from the night before, so we decided to sleep in an extra hour or so. By the time we got up and had a small bite, we were off to pick up the Uhaul van! Then we returned back to the house for a nice breakfast of omelets (vegetarian style), hash browns, and our quintessential Starbucks coffee!
Then, we began the task of final packing (mainly my sister's task) and loading the van (my treasured task)! It was a bit of a tiring ordeal, but in only a few short hours we were through, and in the van on our way to a friend of my sister's place: the final destination for the gear we were carrying.
After a good couple of hours driving, we arrived and were able (without much trouble) to unload the gear in the attic of this friend's house.
By this time, it was about time to get a refill of Starbucks bliss! Then a quick bite at Quizno's before heading for home!
However.... the adventure for the day was not quite over!!!
In fact, it had only really begun. On our way back, we had to pass through Fayetteville - a town which was not far from the base where my brother was training for his upcoming adventures in the cousin to the "sandbox."
We had thought it would be nice to spend a little time with our beloved brother before he headed out, and before we headed home for the day. Though initially, a great idea (and still a good one after the fact I might add) it turned out to be a bit more complicated than we thought.
In short: what was expected to be a mere hour or so out of our time turned into a good three plus hours (journey wise)! A few misguided directions here and there, a few blown fuses, a minor verbal brawl, and it was smiles, laughter and tears with our dear beloved brother!
Although, in the future, I doubt we will make such an effort in a Uhaul, the time was well spent, and I do believe we were all grateful to see one another, and especially thereafter to get some rest (whenever it was quite convenient!)
And so the day after this grand Uhaul adventure, my dear sister and I enjoyed a late rising, followed by a little Starbucks (for where would our lives be without such perkery!), and then a lovely breakfast at IHOP!
Then, it was off to base to get a temporary room for my sister to stay in until she heads out on her "Grand Journey." It was a bit of a task getting her final gear from the house into the "Q" (The Temp housing), but we managed! And then we went off to bring back a little Thai food to finish off the night, and of course maybe a little wine, and then a splendid phone call with mum and dad, to recount our great adventures thus far!
The next morning (and in fact my last there in NC), my sister and I had a few minor details to tie up with the house. There were some things that needed to be moved out and stored in another friend's place (just up the way) that we could not take the day before! So, with that task done, and a little Starbucks again (for one cannot be to judgmental in matters of the heart), and then a quick lunch on the way at (believe it or not) Taco Bell (which for the most part was surprisingly swell!)
At last we arrived at the airport. Yet, still this was not quite the end of the adventure! I got to the airport, said a hurried goodbye at the curb to my sister, only a moment later to call her up and tell her that my flight out would be delayed by a good hour and a half! So, we spent another hour together, as I waited to get on my later departing flight! At last, I was on my way back home, and not too surprised upon returning to discover that the weather in Dallas, had changed quite a bit from when I was last there (a mere 28 degrees Fahrenheit!)
And so it seems, I conclude this journey of mine in less than an hour and nine, and for me that's just fine!
Often in the thick of adventure,