And so, I am about half way through my AT....
Quick pardon, as I am sure the larger part of this audience would have no knowledge of what an AT is accept purhaps an older audience (of an earlier era) may think to oneself about the AT-AT walkers in the Star Wars Saga. But no no, young padawon, I do not dwell upon these things. In short, and to the point, an AT is simply a military abreviation for Annual Training, for the Reserve side of the house.
And so, a bit prolonged, I move on to the topic at hand. Those, gray areas, ah those gray areas....
Twas gray I say, that did enlighten me today
I pause, I sigh, and then I wonder why
What point is there in this, will I seal it with a kiss
What bliss, for this, it is not worth the chance
For I speak not of romance
So may I remove my mind from this trance
And breakfall into a basic warrior stance
...there in that final line, we see a glimpse into this work of mine. Tis not standard rhyme, though it is art, but from a different part. This is the Martial Art of the Marine Corps. And in this one may find more explaination for those gray areas
...I bore you no longer good audience, at last I conduct myself properly and give you good welcome into this past weeks adventures.
The past week and a half has been quite full - there's really no better way to put it! Although, I suppose I should back up a little to say the past month has been in that category as well! As I approached the end of July and looked toward August, I was quite anxious as to what the outcome would be. I had overdue bills to pay, food to find (to fill my mind if no tangible kind could be found), to work out a rather uncomfortable relational issue (a topic of wich I will only discuss with a few), upcoming classes to pay, sleep to get (whenever I may), and extra hours to get (to fill my day, and provide extra pay). And so, one can see, that for the last month... my life was not so.... easy!
My store the week before my AT was getting remodeled. So, for the next three days it closed down and then re-opened! However, the process of closing and opening, was not as simply put, as those previous lines did flow. You see, the night before we closed, it was my privelege (if it could be put that way) to work the closing shift with my boss. However, this shift was far from standard. It began as a normal 8 hour shift. But then, as the store closed, a new shift began! (and so your interest can be clarified). We had to remove a lot of things from the floor of the store and from the cabinets, etc. Basically, the majority of the store had to be cleaned out and stored in the back (a point on which work did not lack)! By the time we both were through, it was clearly quite past two! In fact, it was now invading upon three just as I past off to sleep, and sleep, and sleep...
I say I slept, and slept I did, for what may have been nearly a day- for you see, I was quite tired; and, thank God my services were not required in the remodeling process! No, there was an entirely sepparate team required for that care.
And so, I bring you to the end of this venture. Your still in the gray, wondering what time of day, will it be when all this extra information stops stalling me.
Quick, pardon it won't hap again, nay, I bid thee, at least stay for tea, for it comes close of three.
So, I was privy to a couple days off of work, but I was still quite busy! Yes, I was a busy little bee! I had to go to school to make the first payment on my classes, so as not to lose them intirely before departing for my AT. I remember better, now as I re-read this past line, that it was not until my first expected day back to work, that I headed up to campus!
Yes, you see I wasn't able to make the partial payment until a specific date (the 1st of August, there abouts)! So I went up to campus and was able to hold down my classes for another month, until the next payment was due - there abouts! But, I was a bit distracted as I returned home, I should have come straight home, but no.... there were other things to be done!
I needed to complete some old unfinished business. As, some may recall, in an earlier session, I spoke of when I lost my baggage, or should I say... my baggage was lost (and in truth it is quite so, for it was not of my doing - entirely... herein I pass off my blame)!
And so, I went down to the bus station to fill out a claim for these things of which (as I said before) I was not to blame! It took a bit of time (in fact, much longer than I had planned - but of course one cannot forget, I am not always the most punctual or the most "planned" person around)
Yet, to move on more swiftly with the tale, I will only say that it seems good shall prevail (I hope) in the part of this extended visit to the bus station!
I called my boss, and said with what words as I had loss, that I would be late (hoping to avoid some further debate) But it was great, because, she was in no finer a mood, and so she did not think it rude that I told her of this fate (on my part) that caused me to be late.
It was arranged that a "Partner" would pick me up at the train station (near work) and take me there to my job. And when we arrived quite crude was the appearance of the inside space. It was not "aweful" in an ill fashion, for in fact, it looked quite promising! The only flaw in the matter, was that the work was not quite (if nearly) at all, complete! And so for us, our work would be some feat! (Sp?)
It was but later decided, that we should meet again, a bit later (or earlier, as some might see it fit!) Rather than putting things back in there place right then, we decided to start work after ten. Quite right, we decided (without much of a fight) that we would not start work that night but early the nest morning (2AM to be precise)! The true thrill of this, was that yet again my boss and I, were drafted for this great re-opening shift! Don't misunderstand me! There were more than three at work at two, but by five, when we would open our doors again, one would find only two. Too tired, and not nearly enough wired, were we, but open, that was clear to see (I think)!
(I depart further comments on this except to say that I got off around noon-at least I presume it was so...)
And so, Friday at last arrived (my "day off")! I was expecting to head up to base at some point that day, but when I called the base lodging, I found out that they had me scheduled for the following night. And to me that sounded just right! So come the next day, it was nearly past mid-day, before my buddy and I headed away!
The only true problem we had, was when we arrived at the bachelor's enlisted quarters (BEQ). We had not been told beforehand, that we were expected to pay "up front" for fourteen nights! You see, typically on a standard Drill Weekend, the base covers the cost of lodging, for those who live at least 50 miles off base! But for an AT, they use a different source of funds! So, I reluctantly gave the lady at the BEQ my card, but bid her not to charge it until the end of my stay, for until then, I would not have the means to pay!
Come as it may, I was able to get a room that day, even though I did not then pay for my room!
And so, apart from that minor adventure, my AT had begun!
(There are many details for which I could account during the span of the past week, but for your sake and mine, I will keep it to but a few)
Come Monday, I began my training in MCMAP (Marine Martial Arts Program) to get the next belt (that being gray - at last one finds some resolve at the end of the day)!
This past week was physically quite a challenge! Although off and on, I've been training for the upcoming Marine Corps Marathon, I was still a bit humbled by my level of fatigue at the end of the very first day! It was not nearly the end of the first day (I believe) that our training appeared to be over, as there were a few casualties (but none being overly sever)! Yet, it was thought that we would not be able to continue! But, before my head had found rest in it's bed, I received a call from my sergeant saying that the training would continue, but would be a bit delayed in progressing the following day.
We met a bit later the next day (I suppose, it was Wednesday) and first we filled out medical forms and each one was seen by the doc before, all were admited back to the ROCk- to train (or for some if not everyone - "push through the pain!")
So, it was a rough five days! Starting at around 0630 and going until 1630 or sometimes later, we continued to train regardless of the prolonged "Black Flags" (Those bidding warning, that "all outside physical training was unauthorized until further notice," due to the heat index)!
But alas, come the end of Friday, we all (the entirety of our group) stood in formation to recieve our medals of appreciation for our short (yet difficult) investment of training for the gray belt.
And so come the end of that day, all were in proud display, as each one, walked away wearing that grand, glorious, gray!
All too often, outdated, yet far from overated,