And so I shall tell you the account of how these cushions did find themselves elsewhere
For "frakencouch" forbid, it's furnature fever now that this old contraption is rid
Though it evokes much sorrow, I shall not think on it long the morrow for I shall be
Sitting most grandly upon my throne of threescore, the collection which both matches and attracts many, and so I prolong ne'er longer
My tale doth hereafter descend!
At the beginning of last week, I received a call from my aunt telling me that some folks from their church were getting rid of a couch, a loveseat, and a chair. Knowing how much our "frakencouch" (a construction of three couches, indeed) was in great need of sprouting wings and flying far from our fortress of furnature, she gave me the information I needed to get in touch with these fine folk!
As it turned out, that entire week, we were unable to pick up the furnature as both my roomate and I were quite busy with classes, plus we had no truck to transport it all! So, we had to postpone the trip until the weekend... Sunday!
On Sunday, we took a Uhaul to their place and picked up the furnature. Although it was a bit of a task taking the time to drive out there, we where quite excited to be driving home at last and looking forward to soon seeing this fine assortment in our own appartment!
The chair and loveseat fit quite square through the door, the couch however was quite a chore! By this time is was around 8pm and we were quite ready for a good meal and a comfortable relaxing evening on our new furnature. Unfortunately we discovered that it would take a bit longer, even with the front door removed from the appartment, we still couldn't squeeze through with the couch.
Picture the scene now....
On a wee catwalk, stand three roomates with their new couch on end. If one looks but a little closer, they will observe them hard at work unsrewing three of the six couch legs. However, these are not ordinary legs, but hand crafted remedies for what were once professional grade legs! Each is constructed of about three layers of wood blocks, which are attached together by four long srews - that being four screws per layer! And so the evening progresses as these three chaps uncrew each block from this once beloved thing!
After about an hour or so, at last, we were able to manage removing the last of the three legs, which were crucial in the process of fitting the couch through the door. The couch now was indeed in our din and in but another quarter of an hour or so the legs were re-srewed "with care" into this chair!
As for the much anticipated meal, it too had to be postponed for a "quick" run to the store and then produced a meager meal of soup... how sensational!
Such is the tale of these three who did remedy a couch and thereafter rested long upon its prospect for it soothed somewhat the soreness of such splendid work!
As is often overlooked, adequately audaciouslee
1 comment:
Nice addition to the apartment! Way to be persistent!
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