Climbing the Heights

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Justifying January

It is unfortunate that my many accounts are so "convieniently" spaced apart. That is mainly do to my idle time, or lack there of, being spent elsewhere.
And so I shall justify january, by summarizing these last few events.

...bass tones beckin...cymbols clang...piano push.... singer smoothly slides into song..."feeling of jazz'' -audaciouslee's atmospheric analysis on winston marsalis

Over the past week or so I had hoped to get a job at Starbucks, as my hours at Pier 1 had dwindled lower than I should like. It was the weekend of drill up at Fort Worth, and I was ill prepared...
We had an Alpha's inpection at 1730. I had scheduled too many things that day (Friday) In short, the interview was delayed to the following week, the uniform was crudely ordained in a matter of minutes and I flew toward the car as my roomate, agreed to drive me to base, as my buddy from base would not be able to this time. I called my Sergeant to let him know of the situation. Fortunately when I arrived at around 1745 I was pleasantly surprized to find a few other Marines running late as well.
In summary, though ill planned, the inspection ended on a positive note. The next morning we had our safety stand down (covering such topics as: DUI's, equal opportunity, and sexual harassment).
Alas, the drill weekend ended early Sunday evening.
Onto other things:

Enter IGOR stage left

A couple Sundays ago, a request was put out in our Sunday school class for any guys who were open to housing an exchange student from Ukraine for a couple of weeks. We volunteered. So come later on that week, I arrived home to be greeted by Igor, our latest temporary roommate.
A note on Igor:

Eager Igor instructs inthusiasticly an audience of anonymous individuals on essential organic etiquette in an everyday environment illustration...
-an analogy from audaciouslee's observations of Igor's healthy living habits

This latter illustration is a comical look at Igor's passions for proper living a healthy diet of organic foods. For the past few nights Igor has instructed my roommate's and I on what foods are healthy and what are not. Of course my roommate an I are in the fault for not always choosing wisely which foods to eat and when and how to eat them, but who's perfect anyway?
Enough on that for now, we may come back to that later if there's time.

That pretty much brings us back to the present, where I sit at the computer typing all sorts of nonsense to fill this quiet void of curiousity in my brian.

In regards to the Starbucks position, alas it too failed! I had a good interview with the maneger there this past Thursday, and expected an answer in 48 hours. That turned into late Monday afternoon, right before I headed off to work I was awakened from my wondering thoughts as my phone rang out "vertigo" only to be the Starbucks maneger saying, sorry but at this time your availability is not enough for our needs. It was a bit of a slow walk to work, but my spirits were lifted as I reflected on the possibilities of what a more humble life would look like for the following weeks. Survival is sure, stubborness nearly as much, and yet humility finds a way of creaping in at the most unpleasant of times.
Always alert of the unknown obsticles,

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