Climbing the Heights

Sunday, November 23, 2008

How much time so easily gets away!

it's hard to believe how long it's been since I was last on here. I must conclude that I am quite busy, and rarely have the energy to put into a full length report on the past few moments of my life. But, I will at least give a brief taste.
This past weekend was the Marine Corps Ball! It was a rather hectic week leading up to it as I am but a few short weeks away from finals at UNT (where I am now going to school full time). So, I had quite a bit of work to finish before heading up to base. And even still as I write this, I recall that I have still a bit more to do before the end of this weekend! Ah, is all of life too much to handle?
Well, nevertheless it was a good time! I went this year with a friend of mine from my tap class. I do believe it was an enjoyable time for the both of us! And it was too a nice time to share with my fellow Marines, some of whom this would be our last ball to celebrate together. And too it was a chance to make new friends, some of whom perhaps will we share a new season with if we are so fortunate.
But for the now, I am thankful for what I have while I have it. And so retire I the deeper thoughts upon which this account is ended. May I learn to savor that which has just now fled and enjoy what here remains instead. For all is fed on such occasions whether joyful or sad. For all I am glad. And so ends such reflections. I need not spill my heart here, tis only a brush stroke I leave to remember the time by. And so concludes my tale.

All too often amazed by the simple things in life,

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Back in it Again!

My oh my, it's hard to believe it's been so long since I've last been on here! I just recently acquired a laptop (thanks to my brother), which has given me a new sense of personal freedom! Anyway, I don't hardly feel like getting into what has transpired over the past year, but I may occasionally reflect on past events, and thus will bring this audience a brief recap, as may be necessary!
And so begins anew this thing that I do
I have often like it too
But it's the thing I do
When I have nothing else to do
Well that may be too bold
In fact this account is quite old
It has seen a few years
But I need not brush up to please my piers
Still I will calm your fears
I write for me
But also too
I write for you
And that enough should do
Therefore I will write true
And what ere my ensue
This much I will do!

Often imaginative,