Climbing the Heights

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Disasterous Dancing Day!

Okay, I just have to vent for a moment! Today, Saturday, was my jazz dance class. This week, our usual dance instructor was not able to make it, so we had a substitute! Let me just say, oh my! It surely was a day to remember. The dear lady was VERY talented (no question there). And she had a heck of a resume: (background dancer for Byonce [sp?], Justin Temberlake, just to name a few)! Yet, in spite of all this talent, her teaching skills....well let's just say not as first rate. For one, when we were going through the warm up for about 15-20 minutes, the music was so loud, you couldn't hear a word she was saying, and of course she was moving very quickly! She had a lot of energy (which was good), but I felt like she could teach an empty class and have the same results! Sadly, I did not enjoy the class, as a whole, as I didn't gain much! It was so fast, I was not able to appreciate the moves and feel like I was growing! Yet, I suppose it was a good lesson in personal discepline and determination.
All to often amazed,

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