Climbing the Heights

Saturday, September 09, 2006

"GUYS!!!" She Cried!

Well, let me see, it has been many weeks since I was last on here, but first a story!

So, this would have been a few weeks back, when I was on my AT (refer to former entry for info regarding such things!) and my roommate called me up and told me about this new dance club he had joined up at SMU!

All I needed to know, was that there were lot of gals there, and they were in desperate need of guys! (So I was told!)

And so, after I returned from my AT, I was anxious to see this dance club for myself! So, that following week, I attended! Only, to be pleasantly surprised, and quite startled upon our tardy arrival, to here the words: "GUYS!!! come from the lips of a female dance instructor! All, I knew was, that whatever I had done to warp into such an enviroment was sheer genious, but I was certainly going nowhere soon! I had found my oasis!

And, so I continue to learn more and more dance techniques each week! Thus far, we have covered: Cha Cha, and Waltz. But, this is only the begining as we are scheduled to begin Salsa and Foxtrot next!

And so, I must say, I can't stop dancing! It's fabulous!

For those is are interested, you will have to check it out: Saturdays 1pm-4pm at the SMU Dedmen Athletics building across from the Mustang Stadium!

All to easily entertained,

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